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Setting Up Streams

Plugin activation

To activate the plugin, make sure your configuration file at /mosquitto/config/mosquitto.conf is using the following lines:

plugin /usr/lib/
plugin_opt_data_dir /mosquitto/data/csp

After the start of Mosquitto the logs should show your license information:

CSP: Cedalo Streaming Plugin initializing. CSP: License serial: decc1940-a806-11eb-ac1e-9d31c1d948ef CSP: License issued by: Cedalo AG CSP: License issued to: CSP: License comment: This is a demo license. CSP: Licensed stream count: 5 AVAILABLE until 2022-04-28T10:48:22 CSP: Processing AVAILABLE until 2022-04-28T10:48:22 CSP: Persistence AVAILABLE until 2022-04-28T10:48:22


Changing the configuration is only necessary, if you manually add the Streams Plugin in a later stage.