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Inbox and Outbox Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl CCopy selected cells to clipboard
Ctrl VPaste Data from clipboard
Ctrl XCopy selected elements to clipboard and remove elements after paste
DeleteDelete selected element and its sub elements
F2Edit current element content
Shift TabMove selected item one level down
TabMove selected item one level down
DragCreates a READ() function
Drag + altCreates a WRITE() function

Streamsheet Keyboard Commands

Arrow DownMove selection one cell down
Arrow LeftMove selection one cell to the left
Arrow RightMove selection one cell to the right
Arrow UpMove selection one cell up
Ctrl +Insert a range of cells or a column/row depending on the selection
Ctrl -Remove a range of cells or a column/row depending on the selection
Ctrl #Switch between data and formula view
Ctrl Arrow DownMove selection to the next or last used cell below
Ctrl Arrow LeftMove selection to the next or last used cell to the left
Ctrl Arrow RightMove selection to the next or last used cell to the right
Ctrl Arrow UpMove selection to the next or last used cell above
Ctrl CCopy selected cells to clipboard
Ctrl VPaste Data from clipboard
Ctrl XCopy selected cells to clipboard and remove cells after paste
Ctrl FOpens search
Ctrl ScrollZoom in / out
Ctrl + alt JDelete JSON RANGE
Ctrl Drag ObjectDuplicates an Object
DeleteDelete selected cells
EnterLeave edit mode and apply changes to cell
EscapeLeave edit mode not applying changes
F2Edit current cell
F4Toggle absolute and relative references
Shift Arrow DownExtend selection one cell down
Shift Arrow LeftExtend selection one cell to the left
Shift Arrow RightExtend selection one cell to the right
Shift Arrow UpExtend selection one cell Up
Shift ScrollScroll horizontally
Shift Resize ObjectRezises Object, but keeps width to height ratio
Ctrl + Shift + lOpen shape list
Ctrl + Shift + fOpen app files
Ctrl + Shift + aOpen app settings
Ctrl + Shift + iOpen inbox settings
Ctrl + shift + qOpen sheet settings
Ctrl + shift + sSwitch between split & single view
F3Show/Hide inline help options for parameter, if given.

Streamsheets Shape usage

Ctrl + dMove selection one cell down
Ctrl + +/-Zoom in/out
Ctrl + Arrow keyDuplicate selection and move a little
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow keyDuplicate selection and move 1 cm
Ctrl + Shift + cCopy format
Ctrl + Shift + vPaste format
Shift + ArrowMove 1 cm

JSON Range

TabMove selection deeper in the JSON hierarchy
Shift + TabMove selection higher in the JSON hierarchy