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Broker Insights

The broker insights page of the Cedalo MQTT Platform gives you a visual overview to some broker statistics. To view these, navigate to the project of the broker and then to the broker management. Here you select "Connected Clients" from the navigation. Then the Broker Insights page is opened.

Broker Traffic

The top section shows the current value of system metrics related to messages and subscriptions. Have a look at System Topics to get a detailed description for these metrics or click on the metric:

Metric Charts

Below the broker traffic, some metrics are displayed showing their historical data.

Connected Clients

Here you can see the number of currently connected clients and the maximum allowed number of clients, which is defined by your current license plan.

Messages sent

Here you can see the Messages sent by the broker

Messages received

Here you can see the Messages received by the broker

Messages sent per Minute

Here you can see the Messages sent by the broker per Minute in average

Messages received per Minute

Here you can see the Messages received by the broker per Minute in average