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Function Error Codes

Streamsheets functions generate errors, if they are used incorrectly or are linked to incorrect data. Here is the list of errors you can encounter while using Streamsheets functions.

Error CodeDescription
#ABORTEDAborted asynchronous function
#ARGSToo few or too many arguments
#CONNECTIONConnection not available
#DISCONNECTEDFailed to connect
#DIV0!Division by zero is forbidden
#ERRRequest or parsing error
#FUNC_EXECInternal error
#INVALID_LOOP_PATHSpecified loop path is invalid
#INVALID_PARAMSpecified parameter is invalid
#INVALID_PATHSpecified path is invalid
#INTERNALFunction for internal usage only
#LIMITSpecified limit reached
#NA!Value not available
#NAME?Unknown formula or identifier
#NO_INTEGRATIONCorresponding integration not available
#NO_MACHINEMachine not available
#NO_MACHINE_HTTP_SERVERMachine HTTP-Server setting not active
#NO_MACHINE_OPCUAMachine OPCUA setting not active
#NO_MSGReferenced message does not exist
#NO_MSG_DATANo data a specified message path
#NO_STREAMSHEETReferenced streamsheet does not exist
#NUM!Invalid number value
#RANGEInvalid cell range
#REF!Invalid reference
#RESPONSEError in request response
#VALUE!Wrong value type
#WAITINGWaiting for a Streamsheet to finish