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Creates and updates a defined cell range in a table like manner. The first row and first column of specified cell range defines the indices used to reference a table cell. To set or update a cell its corresponding row and column indices must be given. If a row index does not exist in current range, it can be automatically added to top or bottom. The same applies for a column index which can be automatically added to the left or right. To simply read values from a table cell refer to TABLE.GET


=TABLE.UPDATE(CellRange, Value, [RowIndex], [ColumnIndex], [PushRowAt], [PushColumnAt], [AggregationMethod])


CellRangeRangeCell range to treat like a table. Its first row and its first column are used to reference table cells.
ValueValueA value to set in referenced table cell.
RowIndex (optional)NumberThe row index of a table cell. If not defined no value is set. The PushRowAt parameter can be used to add the row index if the table has no equal index.
ColumnIndex (optional)NumberThe column index of a table cell. If not defined no value is set. The PushColumnAt parameter can be used to add the column index if the table has no equal index.
PushRowAt (optional)NumberDefines where to insert a new row index. Should be either 1, -1, or 0. To insert new row at the bottom specify 1, -1 will insert it at the top and 0 will not insert at all.

Default value: 0
PushColumnAt (optional)NumberDefines where to insert a new column index. Should be either 1, -1, or 0. To insert new column to the right specify 1, -1 will insert it to the left and 0 will not insert at all.

Default value: 0
AggregationMethod (optional)AggregationMethodOne of the predefined numbers which specifies the aggregation method to use for specified table cell.

0: NONE - No aggregation is performed and the last valid value of specified DataCell is returned.
1: AVERAGE - Calculates the average of all received values.
2: COUNT - Counts the number of received values.
3: COUNTA - Counts all values which are not zero.
4: MAX - Determines the maximum of all received values.
5: MIN - Determines the minimum of all received values.
6: PRODUCT - Calculates the product of all received values.
7: STDEV.S - Calculates the standard deviation of all received values.
8: STDEV.P - Currently not available!
9: SUM - Calculates the sum of all received values.

Default value: 0


Boolean or ErrorTRUE or an error value.


=TABLE.UPDATE(A3:D5, 42, 93360, "Turbine 1")
=TABLE.UPDATE(A3:D5, 42, 93300, "Turbine 42", 1, 1)